
GGP was recognized as Top Green Company, the second sustainability-related award earned by GGP in 2015

GGP was commended for its long-running, well-planned initiatives geared towards reducing environmental footprints and optimizing natural resources at the Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability (ACES) awards held on 5 November 2015 in Singapore. Hailed as Top Green Company, this is the second award GGP had earned in 2015 as a leader in sustainability.

The ACES Awards recognize companies which have carried out significant CSR campaigns, and/or have implemented policies that generate returns beyond financial gain. 

GGP has been actively implementing green practices for over thirty years, believing that going green is an ongoing process instead of a one-time project. GGP has ambitious plans to go even greener in the coming years.

To learn more:

List of awards:

• Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability (ACES) Awards
• Platinum – the Best Environmental Excellence category at the Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards

• Winner in Green Leadership Category at the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA)
• Outstanding Leadership in Sustainable Agriculture at the Indonesia Sustainable Business Awards
• Winner in Energy Management at the ASEAN Corporate Sustainability Summit and Awards
• Gold – the Best Environmental Excellence category at the Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards

• Industry Champion in Agriculture Business at the Indonesia Sustainable Business Awards


GGP Diakui Sebagai Top Green Company Terbaik, Penghargaan Kedua Mengenai Sustainability Berhasil Diraih Oleh GGP di Tahun 2015

GGP dihargai untuk inisiatif jangka panjangnya yang terencana untuk mengurangi dampak terhadap lingkungan dan mengoptimalkan sumber daya alam di ajang penghargaan Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability (ACES) yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 5 November 2015 di Singapura. Diakui sebagai Top Green Company, ini merupakan penghargaan kedua yang diperoleh oleh GGP di 2015 sebagai pelopor kelestarian.

Penghargaan ACES adalah bentuk penghargaan yang dikhususkan pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah memberikan kampanye Corporate Social Responbility (CSR) secara  signifikan, dan/atau telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan yang dapat menghasilkan sesuatu jauh melebihi keuntungan secara finansial.

GGP secara aktif telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan ramah lingkungan selama lebih dari 30 tahun. GGP percaya bahwa melestarikan alam adalah proses yang terus menerus dan bukan proyek yang hanya sekali dilaksanakan. GGP berambisi untuk lebih mengedepankan ramah lingkungan untuk tahun-tahun mendatang.

Informasi lebih lanjut:

Daftar penghargaan:

• Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability (ACES) Awards
• Platinum – the Best Environmental Excellence category at the Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards

• Winner in Green Leadership Category at the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA)
• Outstanding Leadership in Sustainable Agriculture at the Indonesia Sustainable Business Awards
• Winner in Energy Management at the ASEAN Corporate Sustainability Summit and Awards
• Gold – the Best Environmental Excellence category at the Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards

• Industry Champion in Agriculture Business at the Indonesia Sustainable Business Awards

Ruslan Krisno, GGP Director of Sustainability, received the ACES Award on 5 November 2015 in Singapore